070.524398 | info@elios96.it | Whatsapp
martedì 22 ottobre 2024


Information pursuant to art. 13 and 14 of the GDPR - EU Regulation 2016/679

Dear Sir/Madam, the data you provided to our Marketplace (name, surname, address, telephone, email, tax code, identity document) are mandatorily collected for purposes related to contractual, legal or prescribed obligations by community regulations (by way of example, but not limited to, accounting or tax obligations and/or others legal obligations specifically required for BUSINESS AGENCY activity). Knowing your mobile phone number can allow us to notify you verbally or via SMS of any unexpected, but not strictly necessary for the purposes of the service. Knowing your email address can allow us to send you periodic information on the Market's activity as well as gives us the possibility to activate them (with personalized authentication credentials) access to the CUSTOMER AREA< /span> on an IT platform, more precisely on (www.usatobusiness.it/area_clienti< /span>) where you can view the your commercial relationship with our Market (items brought, sold, returned, paid for, to be paid, etc.) Also in this case, knowledge of your email address is not strictly necessary for the purposes of the service. Your data will be recorded on a single physical server managed by the company responsible for the processing located in Italian territory and precisely at the data centers of the company Aruba Spa - Via San Clemente 53 Ponte San Pietro 24036 (BG), Every precaution has been taken to minimize the risk of unauthorized access, deletion, modification or appropriation by unauthorized third parties. The data will be kept in accordance with the law starting from the last contact with our structure. At any time you can request the modification by post or email to the Data Controller or - when possible - the deletion of your data. Your request will be satisfied within 15 days. Any reason for dissatisfaction or protest may be reported by you to the Data Protection Authority personal (Piazza Monte Citorio 121 00186 Rome - Tel 06.696771 - email: garante@gpdp.it) knowing the purposes and methods of processing of the data requested from me and knowing that at any time I can request its modification or - when possible - cancellation; I consent to their treatment by the Market; I also consent to the processing of my telephone number mobile (cell phone) by the Mercatino; I also consent to the processing of my email address by the Mercatino;
The data controller is:Elios96 Sas - headquarters: Via Sanfelice 8 09134 Cagliari (CA)