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domenica 2 giugno 2024

giradischi pioneer pl 640

Article : .2404001731

Prix : 130,00

Disponibilitè : 1 pz.

L'ètat :  Disponible 

Catègorie : Hi-fi e accessori

{ Note }
giradischi pioneer pl 640
type: direct drive
motor: quartz pll hall motor
speeds: 33 and 45rpm
wow and flutter: 0.025%
rumble: 78db
platter: 304mm aluminium alloy diecast
tonearm: static-balance type, straight pipe arm
effective length: 221mm
overhang: 15.5mm
cartridge weight range: 3 to 8g
dimensions: 420 x 118 x 365mm
weight: 5.3kg

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